It flies like a plane and hovers like a... big hummingbird
Omg it must have been amazing the first time it took off!!! Well done. This is a big achievement for one man!
thanks! Yes, it was amazing when it did not crash
Brilliant Tsung Xu!!!
thank you!
Cool to see fast progress being made. What 3D printer do you use?
Bambu A1. Really easy to use and default print setting for PETG, foaming PLA and normal PLA just work
This is inspiring. Looking forward to the next iteration!
thank you 😃
Omg it must have been amazing the first time it took off!!! Well done. This is a big achievement for one man!
thanks! Yes, it was amazing when it did not crash
Brilliant Tsung Xu!!!
thank you!
Cool to see fast progress being made. What 3D printer do you use?
Bambu A1. Really easy to use and default print setting for PETG, foaming PLA and normal PLA just work
This is inspiring. Looking forward to the next iteration!
thank you 😃