👋 Hi, I’m Tsung.

I'm exploring startup ideas to integrate performance materials into compelling consumer products. I want to start a company based on these ideas.

With Materially Better, I am sharing what I learn along the way.

This started as a few long form articles on the energy transition, a new materials paradigm and performance biomaterials. My articles have trended on Hacker News (#3 and #5 in the same day) and were referenced by O’Reilly Media, Not Boring, Exponential View, Noahpinion, The Polymerist and more. They have also been translated into Italian, Chinese and Japanese. See also a selection of Twitter mentions below.

Materially Better now includes a podcast as I go deeper into the frontier of performance materials. New materials will play a big role in unlocking innovation and solving big problems and not enough people are thinking about the implications.

I think the 2020s are one of the best times in history for a startup to build products made of atoms. We have a generational opportunity ahead of us in leveraging an incredible technology stack including materials, synthetic biology, batteries, real-world AI, and more.

Connect on Twitter or email me.


I am a generalist repeat founder.

I built two bootstrapped mission-driven startups straight out of undergrad while living in Sydney. I consulted for other startups, before working in tech, first for a Sydney fintech and then moving to San Francisco to join Uber Eats. There, I helped develop new products and unlocked customer pain points.

After leaving to build mission-driven startups again, I am now exploring ideas to leverage high performing biomaterials. I now live in Austin.

I also love learning, and learning fast. By the age of 12, I had speedran through math textbooks through Grade 12. After I left my job at Uber, I taught myself to code an MVP mobile app in React Native in two months. Once in my 20s, I wanted to try stand up. Within a month, I went from no experience to delivering a set in front of 70 paying people.

Select twitter mentions

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✍️ Long reads on frontier tech startup ideas and related topics. 🎙 Conversations with founders, scientists and industry leaders.


Exploring startup ideas for batteries, electric propulsion and performance materials